14 Haziran 2012 Perşembe

Traveling Tip #1, Earrings...

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Traveling extensively can be somewhat of a challenge.  As a family, we have learned a few tricks to make it easier through the years.  We always roll our clothes, never fold, to avoid wrinkles; when traveling by vehicle, we use tubs and not suitcases to maximize the space; and, the entire family has learned the art of stuffing everything important to us in a single small case to be set by our feet for those extended periods in the truck.  We've also learned a few other helpful items like how pack earrings when you don't want to leave any of them behind.  To some this may seem trivial but when you are on the road and everything familiar is gone, having your favorite earrings for each outfit gives you a sense of continuity...it is possible, you might have to be a woman, to fully understand this...
For me, packing jewelry was always a problem.  Never have I found an effective way to pack my earrings that didn't mean at the end of the journey they were going to be loose, tangled around each other and in danger of falling out when the case is opened.  Even if these are not expensive pieces and just of the costume variety, you still want your jewelry to arrive neatly and undamaged.  If I have found a secure method of transport, it only allowed for a few chosen pieces instead of my whole collection.  How can I make such decisions when they are all so special?  So, I developed my own method which takes no more than a piece of shelf lining and a cloth napkin.  Cheap and effective, a hallmark of our family.  To be honest, even when I can put my earrings on the tree, I tend to keep them in their little roll.  

Myriad of earring on their special tree needing to find a way to 
travel safely and effectively.

After years of traveling and various jewelry roll-ups, bags and satchels, 
the best way I have ever found to carry my earrings with me is still 
the simplest.  A piece of shelf lining (any color will do) works nicely for 
attaching any type of earring from simple studs to fish-hooks.

Simply lay the shelf lining on a piece of cloth...I use one of my cloth napkins, 
and load it with your earrings.  Since there two sizes of tiny squares on the shelf 
lining, it works for even the smaller backs to your studs, just make sure you put 
the post through the small square so the backs won't pull through.  

Another Tip is to put your dangles on the bottom so they can hang off the 
edge and stay neater when you roll-up the cloth.

Once all earrings are added, simply roll-up and tuck in your suit case or makup
case.  Your earrings won't get tanged or fall out and they stay neatly in place
until time to be worn.  

Happy Travelling!!!
May God Bless and Keep You in His Grace,Lynne

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